Cheddar Page Cheddar Page We will always have Toulouse!
28-30 September 2007

Scott and his mate, Tim (and Tim's brother John and sister in law Christine) headed off to watch the mighty AB's play against Romania in Toulouse. It was a boys weekend, pure and simple! :)

Tim, Christine, Scott and John outside the main stadium at Toulouse.

Give us a T! Give us a ONGA!

These guys were a few rows ahead of us on the plan from London on Friday night. As we were lining up at passport control they kept on going on about giving someone a T, and then giving them an ONGA! :)

Proud to be a kiwi :)
Tim and John enjoying a few beers before the game starts!
Tim, Shalese, John, Ben and Christine.
The Haka
First touch of the ball and the AB's were away.

The game had ended, Romania had come second and the crowds were just milling around. However the Romanians asked the AB's if they could have a combined team photo. Nice touch to end a game played in pretty good spirit!


Ben and Shalese, these guys knew Tim because they sat next to them at every world cup game!

After a few too many beers on Friday night everyone was feeling a little fragile come Saturday afternoon. And so it was that the five of us (Ben and Cheylese joined us at the game) headed off after the game finished looking for the bar we spent Friday night in. When we got there we were only going to have a couple quiet ones before heading back to the hotel...however Fiji's game against Wales changed all that! The locals in the bar didn't know what hit them when we started cheering the Fijians on (as I'm sure the locals were only there for a quiet Saturday afternoon drink). And then because we were singing waiata after the game when ever a kiwi walked past the bar they had to come in and see who was singing away! By the time we had finished there was probably a good 30 odd kiwis in the bar, enjoying themselves and getting to know the locals who had stayed on to celebrate with us :)

Toulouse was beautiful and the French, as always, were awesome! So many people would stop us to say hello and welcome us to their city, it really was an awesome experience. Next time though, I must remember to take 10c coins as these were in hot demand by the locals :)